Thursday, August 21, 2008

girl time

Is there anything else in my life other than girl time? Not much, since there are four of us in the house. Chris doesn't stand a chance except that he is ALL GUY! and makes sure we know that on a regular basis. He is out of town, so things around here are a little more lax. I didn't do the dishes for 2 days, the laundry is everywhere and the trash gets taken out everyday. Yes - the trash. This is not my "job". He is supposed to take it out everyday, but when he gets home he is so tired this slips his mind. I actually had to take the cans out for trash day which sucked.
When he is not here my house is a wreck. No one to answer to except for Drew who says she gets anxiety looking at a messy kitchen. Really? I don't. HAHA

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